Source: UNEP, 2022
Based on growing interest from members, in 2022 the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action (the Coalition) added Adaptation as a thematic workstream relevant to various streams of work related to the Helsinki Principles. In 2022, the Coalition published its first report on adaptation - “Climate Change Adaptation and the Role of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action” and organized a Ministerial discussion on adaptation finance at COP27. The Ministerial meeting recognized the overall need to scale up adaptation finance and underlined the importance of long-term strategies for adaptation.
The Coalition’s 2023 work programme on adaptation, emphasizes on “raising awareness on whole-of-government approach to adaptation, strengthening capacity through adaptation literacy and for Members to learn from each other’s experience”.
Therefore, the Coalition Secretariat along with UNDP and UNEP, institutional partners of the Coalition, organized the webinar “Adaptation Planning and Financing through NAPs and NDCs: Country Experiences”, the first of a two-part webinar series. The purpose of the webinar was to share whole-of-government approaches to planning and financing adaptation, focusing on the engagement of Finance Ministries in development and implementation of NAPs and NDCs as relates to adaptation, and country experiences in deploying various adaptation financing instruments. It did so primarily by sharing experiences of Finance Ministries of Bangladesh, Belize, Mexico, and Uzbekistan through an interactive panel discussion, which was complemented by framing presentations by UNDP and UNEP.
- Framing presentations by Rohini Kohli, Senior Technical Advisor, Adaptation Policy and Planning, UNDP and Alex Forbes, Programme Management Officer, UNEP on behalf of Jessica Troni, Adaptation Portfolio Manager, UNEP
- Adaptation in NDCs and NAPs as instruments for adaptation planning
- Adaptation finance gap, why investing in nature is good for adaptation
- Panel discussion speakers
- Dr. Mohammad Abu Yusuf, Additional Secretary, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
- Ms. Hunter Hales, Proposal Development Officer, Climate Finance Unit, Ministry of Finance, Belize
- Mr. Israel Alejandro Camacho Bahena, Director of Sustainable Finance, Ministry of Finance, Mexico
- Mr. Shokhrukh Ishankulov, First Deputy Head of the State Budget Department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Uzbekistan.