Article 2, paragraph1(c), of the Paris Agreement “Making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development” is related to the topic of Coalition’s Ministerial meeting at COP28 in Dubai, currently proposed as “Role of Finance Ministers in mobilizing public and private climate finance”.
Article 2, paragraph1(c), was selected for this workshop for the following reasons: (i) alignment with the Coalition’s mission, (ii) member’s contribution towards this topic as presented in the Climate Action Statement submissions, (iii) alignment with the Global Stocktake, as requested by the UAE presidency, (iv) requests by Coalition members to organize discussion on Article 2.1(c) implementation.
To address member requests as per above, there are two workshops on the topic: the current workshop (open to Coalition members), as well as UNFCC SCF-led workshop to be held on November 2, details tbd (open to all Ministries of Finance).
Agenda and presentations:
- Coalition Co-Chair Sherpa representative from Indonesia, Pak Noor, opened the workshop
- Padraig Oliver, UNFCCC - presented on Article 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement, its background and work done to date (see presentation here)
- Charlene Watson, ODI, and Joseph Feyertag, LSE - presented on lessons learned from the recent report on operationalizing article 2.1(c) (see presentation here)
- Coalition members from Switzerland, Chile, Egypt, Denmark, Sweden and Germany shared their experiences in implementing Article 2.1c and supported the importance of the subject for Coalition’s discussion
- Coalition Co-Chair Sherpa representative from The Netherlands, Michalli Harmsen, provided background on COP28 preparation, answered questions, and provided Closing Remarks
- Olha Krushelnytska, Coalition Secretariat, moderated the workshop