The Helsinki Principle 4 (HP4) workstream hosted a workshop titled, “Using Green Budgeting to Strengthen the Alignment of Public Financial Flows with Climate and Environmental Objectives.” Organized by HP4 co-leads, Denmark and the United States of America, and in collaboration with Austria, the workshop emphasized the importance of using green budgeting tools to inform government action on climate change. The workshop highlighted green budgeting tools, approaches, and experiences by institutional partners and member countries. Discussions focused on the importance and main principles of green budgeting in the context of Article 2.1.c of the Paris Agreement; the OECD’s findings on how to better link government budgets to climate commitments; the European Commission’s Green Budgeting Reference Framework and peer to peer learning initiative; findings from PEFA Climate Assessments and the World Bank’s Climate Change Institutional Assessments (CCIAs).
View/Download presentations here:
- PEFA Supplementary Framework for assessing Climate responsive Public Financial Management by PEFA Secretariat
- Green Budgeting in the EU by Simona Pojar, European Commission, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs
- Austria’s Green Budgeting System by Federal Ministry of Finance, Austria
- Beyond Green Tagging: Linking budgets better with climate goals by Camila Vammalle, OECD