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Technology Transfer and Innovation for Low-Carbon Development

Technological revolutions have increased the world’s wealth to a level that was once unimaginable. They have done so unevenly, however, and in ways that have accelerated climate change. Technology Transfer and Innovation for Low-Carbon Development argues that most of the emissions reductions required to achieve the Paris Agreement goals can be reached through the global deployment of existing and commercially proven low-carbon technologies (LCTs).

Research Collaborative on Tracking Private Climate Finance

Research Collaborative on Tracking Private Climate Finance facilitates sharing of data and expertise on investment and financing to address country- and international-level information needs, in particular:
1. Measuring publicly-mobilized private finance for climate action in developing countries. The methods and estimates developed here play an important role in the international community, particularly in the context of climate finance reporting under the UNFCCC.

United for Efficiency

U4E is a global effort supporting developing countries and emerging economies to move their markets to energy-efficient appliances and equipment.

Under the leadership of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), U4E brings together all key stakeholders active in the area of product efficiency. U4E:

Climate Auctions: A Market-Based Approach to National Climate Action

Climate auctions—a 21st-century alternative— competitively allocate public funding to commercially developed mitigation projects, ensuring both transparency in selection processes and efficiency in leveraging investment. Climate auctions offer successful project developers and commercial entities a guaranteed price for verified emission reductions, which these entities can then use to raise additional finance.

Fiscal Policies for Paris Climate Strategies - From Principle to Practice

Fiscal Policies for Paris Climate Strategies - From Principle to Practice provides country-level guidance on the role, and design of, fiscal policies for implementing climate mitigation strategies that countries have submitted for the 2015 Paris Agreement and for addressing vulnerabilities in disaster-prone countries. On the mitigation side, the paper presents a spreadsheet tool for judging the likely impact on emissions, fiscal revenues, local air pollution mortality, and economic welfare impacts of a range of instruments including comprehensive carbon taxes, emissions tradin

Shifting Gears: How the World’s Leading Financial Centres are Entering a New Phase of Strategic Action on Green and Sustainable Finance

The world’s financial centres are the locations where supply and demand for green and sustainable finance will be matched. This report presents the first findings from an in-depth assessment of actions in 13 of these hubs, all members of the International Network of Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) across Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. The assessment reveals 10 key insights on how financial centres are mobilizing their expertise, connectivity and capital to help solve some of the world’s toughest financing challenges