The Indirect Cost of Natural Disasters and an Economic Definition of Macroeconomic Resilience (2015)

The paper proposes a rule of thumb to estimate macroeconomic resilience, based on the interest rate (a higher interest rate decreases resilience and increases welfare losses), the reconstruction duration (a longer reconstruction duration increases welfare losses), and a “ripple-effect” factor that increases or decreases immediate losses (negative if enough idle resources are available to cope; positive if cross-sector and supply-chain issues impair the production of non-affected capital).

State and Trends of Carbon Pricing (2017)

Reflecting the growing momentum for carbon pricing worldwide, the 2017 edition of the State and Trends of Carbon Pricing targets the wide audience of public and private stakeholders engaged in carbon pricing design and implementation. This report also provides critical input for negotiators involved in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, particularly for the meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) 23 to be held in Bonn in November 2017.

Carbon Leakage Theory, Evidence and Policy Design

The World Bank’s Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) brings together developed and developing countries to build readiness for carbon market instruments to support cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. As part of the PMR’s Technical Work Program, the World Bank asked Vivid Economics to develop a technical note on the issue of carbon leakage and competitiveness. This issue is of interest to a range of PMR countries and is of great importance to successful design and implementation of carbon pricing policies.