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Economic Resilience Definition and Measurement

The (economic) welfare disaster risk in a country can be reduced by reducing the exposure or vulnerability of people and assets (reducing asset losses), increasing macroeconomic resilience (reducing aggregate consumption losses for a given level of asset losses), or increasing microeconomic resilience (reducing welfare losses for a given level of aggregate consumption losses). The paper proposes rules of thumb to estimate macroeconomic and microeconomic resilience based on the relevant parameters in the economy.

Disaster Risk Assessment and Risk Financing: A G20/OECD Methodological Framework.

This methodological framework for disaster risk assessment and risk financing is intended to help finance ministries and other governmental authorities in developing more effective disaster risk management strategies and, in particular, financial strategies, building on strengthened risk assessment and risk financing.

Climate Change: The Fiscal Risks Facing The Federal Government: A Preliminary Assessment.

Climate change is already affecting communities across the United States. This report outlines the contours of fiscal risk through five program-specific assessments: crop insurance, health care, wildfire suppression, hurricane-related disaster relief, and Federal facility flood risk. These programs were assessed because they are directly influenced by climate change, they have strong links to the Federal Budget, and quantitative scientific and economic models regarding the likely magnitude of impacts were available. This report also considers potential impacts to Federal revenues.

Accessing Climate Finance: A Step-By-Step Approach for Practitioners.

This handbook is conceived as a toolbox for key government and other stakeholders in partner countries in their efforts to access climate finance. The ClimaSouth project uses an approach to access finance through learning-bydoing and capacity building. Facilitating the development of proposals and interfacing with sources of finance for climate-relevant/-specific projects and programs is the vehicle through which capacity for climate finance is further enhanced.

Application of Computable General Equilibrium to Climate Change Mitigation Policy: A Systematic Review.

With the growing literature related to climate change mitigation measures and policy interventions, a systematic review of the application of computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is inevitable. Therefore, this article aims to characterise the relevant studies, define a comparative framework to identify the current state-of-the-art and the gaps in applied general equilibrium models.

Economic Resilience Definition and Measurement (2014)

The (economic) welfare disaster risk in a country can be reduced by reducing the exposure or vulnerability of people and assets (reducing asset losses), increasing macroeconomic resilience (reducing aggregate consumption losses for a given level of asset losses), or increasing microeconomic resilience (reducing welfare losses for a given level of aggregate consumption losses). The paper proposes rules of thumb to estimate macroeconomic and microeconomic resilience based on the relevant parameters in the economy.