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St. Lucia: Climate Change Policy Assessment

St. Lucia has been a leader among vulnerable Caribbean states in prioritizing a response to climate change, both nationally and in international fora. Its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) outlines a balanced mitigation strategy backed by costed investment plans, and a qualitative adaptation strategy with identified priority sectors. This paper takes stock of St. Lucia’s plans to manage climate change, from the perspective of their macroeconomic implications.

The Integrated Green Economy Modelling Framework – Technical Document.

Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) has developed the Integrated Green Economy Modelling (IGEM) framework that aims to better respond to countries’ needs in terms of analysing the cross- sectoral impacts of Green Economy (GE) policies. The IGEM framework presents a methodology on how to integrate three of the main modelling techniques (SD, CGE and IO-SAM) used for green economy policy assessment to refine impact analysis of green policies and investments in the economy. 

The Effects of Weather Shocks on Economic Activity: What are the Channels of Impact?

Global temperatures have increased at an unprecedented pace in the past 40 years. This paper finds that increases in temperature have uneven macroeconomic effects, with adverse consequences concentrated in countries with hot climates, such as most low-income countries. In these countries, a rise in temperature lowers per capita output, in both the short and medium term, through a wide array of channels: reduced agricultural output, suppressed productivity of workers exposed to heat, slower investment, and poorer health.

The Design and Sustainability of Renewable Energy Incentives: An Economic Analysis.

Rapid urbanization and economic growth, new demographic trends, and climate change are key challenges that developing countries must face as they strive to meet growing energy demand. The main objectives of this study are to offer: (a) a global taxonomy of the economic and financial incentives provided by renewable support schemes and (b) an economic modeling of the sustainability and affordability of such support schemes.

Managing Disaster Risk Related Contingent Liabilities in Public Finance Frameworks, OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, No 27

Natural disasters have caused, and continue to cause, a significant amount of economic costs. The costs of disasters are often, and to a large extent, shouldered by governments, especially in economies where private insurance markets are not well developed. Governments are asked to provide financing for explicit commitments made prior to a disaster, and are often under pressure to make payments for which no such commitments were made earlier.

Insights from National Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation Systems.

This document draws on insights related to current national approaches to monitoring and evaluation of adaptation, and puts them in the context of the international climate negotiations. Section 2 provides a definition of adaptation monitoring and evaluation, and gives an overview of the development of national approaches to adaptation monitoring and evaluation to date. Section 3 then presents examples of national approaches to date showcasing the diversity of existing systems in terms of purpose, indicators and geographical aggregation.

Climate Change Adaptation and Financial Protection: Synthesis of Key Findings from Colombia and Senegal.

Developing countries are disproportionately affected by the rising trend of losses from climate-related extreme events. These losses are projected to continue to increase in future, driven by climate change and the accumulation of people and assets in high-risk areas. Effective climate change policies are needed to reduce the accumulation of risk, combined with instruments and tools to help retain, share or transfer financial losses if an extreme event occurs.

‘Green’ Growth, ‘Green’ Jobs and Labor Markets

The term ‘green jobs’ can refer to employment in a narrowly defined set of industries providing environmental services. But it is more useful for the policy-maker to focus on the broader issue of the employment consequences of policies to correct environmental externalities such as anthropogenic climate change. Most of the literature focuses on direct employment created, with more cursory treatment of indirect and induced job creation, especially that arising from macroeconomic effects of policies.