Insights from National Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation Systems.

This document draws on insights related to current national approaches to monitoring and evaluation of adaptation, and puts them in the context of the international climate negotiations. Section 2 provides a definition of adaptation monitoring and evaluation, and gives an overview of the development of national approaches to adaptation monitoring and evaluation to date. Section 3 then presents examples of national approaches to date showcasing the diversity of existing systems in terms of purpose, indicators and geographical aggregation.

Good Practice Policy Framework for Energy Technology Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D).

Accelerating Energy Innovation (AEI) is a new project being launched by the International Energy Agency (IEA). It aims to assist countries both within the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) and beyond in establishing a clear framework in which innovation of clean energy technologies can thrive, and within which effective and efficient policies can be identified, with the specific goal of advancing research, development, demonstration and, ultimately, deployment (RDD&D) of clean energy technologies.

How to Adopt a Winning Carbon Price

Over the fall of 2014, Clean Energy Canada conducted a series of confidential, candid interviews with the policy’s architects, and with expert observers who watched it play out. We spoke to senior officials and elected representatives working in British Columbia’s government at the time, as well as to experts from the business, academic, municipal government, and environmental communities—a baker’s dozen of people intimately involved in shaping, or responding to, this groundbreaking policy.